PCT depends on volunteer directors in the community to bring our plays to life. If you have ideas, we'd like to hear them! You can submit ideas even if you don't want to be a director at PCT.
PCT will now accept applications on a rolling basis and all year long so submit when you have an idea to be considered for the next season. To ensure your submission is considered for the season that starts in June, get your submission in by September 29th of the previous year! Current deadline September 29, 2024!
The structure of our season is layed out in the Slot Guidelines. See what the Play Selection Committee considers to schedule different types of shows in our five-show season.
Use the Play Selection Form for each play you'd like to submit!
Use the Cabaret Selection form to suggest Cabaret shows!
PCT often produces Cabaret style fundraisers. Please note we have a different form for Cabarets. Not all slots will be filled each year due to availability for production resources. If you've got the vision and the drive, let's hear your idea!
Our cabarets usually consist of piano only. Cast of 10-14. Minimal sets/costumes etc. Rehearsal time on stage is limited so you should think about that when creating/submitting. Rehearsals tend to be out-of-venue with 3 tech rehearsals on the main stage, and one weekend's performance. All music selected with be with the approval of the theatre and the approval of ASCAP licensing.
If you are looking to submit your ideas to the Play Selection Committee for the next season, please provide the following:
In addition to reading this page, and the form, check out Play Selection Details.
The committee is comprised of a Chair, four (4) members, VP of Production and the President serves Ex-Officio.
None of the four (4) committee members can serve for more than 3 consecutive seasons.
The committee balances a number of show aspects in considering the shows in our season including Cast size, diversity, number of rolls for the season for each gender, royalty costs, royalty availability, revenue calculations and how the season falls together to name a few.
The Committee will focus on the shows since no names of directors will be provided to committee apart from the Chair and President. This will keep the focus on choosing the best season for the theatre while keeping anonymity and focus off the individuals submitting. See details about our new process.
Each slot in our schedule has it's own character as spelled out in our Slot Guidelines.
Here's a plan view of the stage to support set design.
Another Stage plan with more measurements. Please note that there is no wing space available, but you can make it work!